Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I've been getting many emails from local constituents urging me to sign the POWER2010 pledge - and I'm happy to do so and give them some publicity.

This is a widespread and well organised group (with a very smooth website ) campaigning to reform politics by 5 points

1. Introduce a proportional voting system

2. Scrap ID cards and roll back the database state

3. Replace the House of Lords with an elected chamber

4. Allow only English MPs to vote on English laws

5. Draw up a written constitution

I'm happy with 4 1/2 of these. We are, of course, very much in favour of a fair voting system and against ID cards, on grounds of principle as well as cost. The House of Lords is a historical anachronism and it's a crying indictment of reformist 'New Labour' that they have fudged its reform for their 13 years in power. A written constitution to safeguard our freedoms from the encroaching state is now a necessity.
There are other solutions to the "English" business in a UK parliament. I'd prefer to have regional assemblies in England, like those in Scotland and Wales - with a proper democratic mandate and commensurate powers. Though the Prescott-inspired referendum fiasco in the North East has set that back a few years.

So I've signed - and will encourage others to do so. It's a very positive indication that voters are focussing on real and sensible issues in this election.